
Play The Five Tones

By August 22, 2022January 24th, 2023No Comments

Hello Everyone and Welcome to the August 22nd Edition of the Monday Post!

All Peons, Today build is available in your launchers.  We appreciate your patience and we hope you enjoy the build.  You can find the download for the Launcher here.


Today we made the difficult decision to delay build, by one month, into October.  At the beginning of this year we made a commitment to releasing builds every two months.  We’re disappointed to rescind this promise.  But we believe it’s best to get out ahead and just be honest with everyone.

We wanted this update to be our final on the Absolution section, allowing us to put all our energy into the Razorclaw Village and begin fully fleshing out the world.  This commitment left us with two options.

1 – Releasing an unfinished update in September, that commits us to finishing the ship in November.


2 – Delaying this build until October and then target a December Release to resume the Razorclaw Village content.

We believe the second option was the best compromise between the team and yourself.  We hope you can understand the decision as we continue to strive towards earning your support and trust.  We will not squander this additional time.

General Update

We have a sneak preview of the Hangar Background, that you can see above.  Kuja is now moving forward on the Armory and then setting his sights on finishing the remaining characters for the Absolution.

Vlad and Pikant began planning the scenes for the Tavern/Waitressing quest line.  While everything is still subject to change, Subscribers can check out the supplemental post that features some of Compound’s concept sketches.  They may not be wholly representative of the final product, though they do offer a tease of the direction we’re heading in.

Finally, Ron and Hooch have continued their effort in laying the foundation for combat.  While balancing their time working on fixes for the game.  As always, you can always track our progress on Trello.

Thank You for the Support.  We look forward to closing out 2022 strong.  Until next time.  Peace and Stay Strong

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